What We Are Looking For
- Looking for client Proficient in Computer Management; webmaster tools, SEO Optimization, Experienced, and Knowledgeable with google for non -profits; Ability to Administrate for VCHFoundation.org.
- Set up Pay-per click using google adwords.
- Draw Donors to the site using their Expertise and Experience in Fundraising both for Main site and Mobile site.
- Ability to optimize Facebook, Twitter, Linkdin, Pintrest Rss Feeds etc. Create videos to optimize VCHF.
- Ability to respond to emails from Donors setting up autoresponders.
- Work with other causes to promote VCHF.
- Set up Fundraising events, recruit people for these events.
- At least a B.A degree in Web analysis
- Must have a passion for working with needy kids, displaced children & Elderly.
PERKS: Weekly pay, on a consignment basis.
Affiliates welcome: Each Donor you recruit from your website, you will receive $10.00 as long as donor use you as referral.